Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our Independence

Hello friends, family, and acquaintances!
I'll try to keep my blogs up to date as best I can - and possibly have Ivy step in once in awhile for some feminine flair!
Well, it's been quite a trip, to say the least, in coming down to see this place back in May and then coming back again, but this time for 'good'. We'll see how things go, but so far it's been a nice change of pace from the constant stress and turmoil of Denver.
We were chatting with a friend of ours here who is from New Zealand about how strange it is for the first time in our lives to be able to truly pursue what we want to do. All of our western 'civilized' lives we are dictated to - from our parents when we're children, to our church and ministers, to our peers, to our media, our job, our bills, and to our social status. We are constantly told what is 'proper', what we 'should' do, what status symbol we should strive to buy, what kind of job we should have, money we should make, clothes we should wear.
Ivy and I now find ourselves, for the very first time, able to stop and think about what we really want to do with our lives. And it's quite the amazing feeling. You're not sure what to think, do, or decide. Money is not an issue down here. There are tons of opportunities. There is free time for a change. And the accumulation of 'things' is now completely irrelevant.
We wake up when we want. We have abundant fresh fruits and vegetables. We have a truly stress free life. So now what do we do?
Odd question and position to be in, truly.
So, for once, we have time to recuperate from our stresses. I am finding that my body is very tired, my brain is taking a much needed hiatus, and I can actually afford (on all levels) to actually take some time off - completely off. There are no deadlines to meet. All of our needs are being met. And yet I find it so fascinating, not in a good way, that many of the gringos down here bring their baggage and agendas with them.
Even though you don't need to make a lot of money down here, and even though the entire reason they moved here was to 'slow down' and 'take it easy' they are not. They are bringing their political crap, their marketing and monetary agendas with them. And I find it somewhat disgusting. Are they all this way? No. But the ones that have definitely stick out like sore thumbs.
And so Ivy and I are just sitting back, taking everything in - minding our business - relaxing. Enjoying the beautiful views out of our windows. We listen to some people complain about this or that. But we mostly are just enjoying the time, this first time, where we can sit back and truly relax. There is no more debt. There are no more ladders to climb. There is just our life together, between us and God.
We laugh at ourselves, and we realize that life doesn't have to be so hard as we like to make it back in the States. We breathe.
We move slow.
It is beautiful.
Love to all and I pray you all find peace, on whatever path you are called upon to partake.
Be still.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Aron. As I read what you wrote, I actually could receive peace from your words. It is harder than one might think at first, to shake off the trappings of the old life but for any of us,in "patience" and endurance, "we possess our own soul." Love darts travel especially well, on the currents between Iowa and Ecuador! xxx000 Aunt Deb
